Tutorial: Intro to NEO•ONE

This tutorial serves as an introduction to NEO•ONE and does not assume any prior knowledge.

Before We Get Started

This tutorial roughly follows the same material as the first course of the NEO•ONE Courses: Tokens, ICOs and DApps, oh my! We’ll focus on creating a token, but even if you have no plans to build a token, give this tutorial (or the course) a chance. The techniques you’ll learn in the tutorial are fundamental to building decentralized apps with NEO•ONE, and mastering it will give you a deep understanding of NEO•ONE.


This tutorial is designed for people who prefer to learn by doing. If you prefer learning concepts from the ground up, check out our step-by-step guide. You might find this tutorial and the guide complementary to each other.

The tutorial is divided into 3 sections:

  1. Setup will give you a starting point to follow the tutorial.
  2. Create a Token will teach you the fundamentals of NEO•ONE smart contract development.
  3. DApps will cover how to integrate NEO•ONE into your DApps.

While each section follows from the previous, you don’t have to complete the entire tutorial to get value out of it. We’ll cover a broad range of topics, so don’t feel the need to try to complete the tutorial all in one sitting.

While all snippets in the tutorial can be copy-pasted, we recommend typing the solutions directly into your editor in order to reinforce the learnings.



NEO•ONE is a JavaScript library so we’ll assume you have a basic understanding of the JavaScript language. If you’re not sure, we recommend taking a JavaScript tutorial to check your knowledge level. It might take some time to complete, but then you won’t be trying to learn both NEO•ONE and JavaScript at the same time.

NEO•ONE itself is written in TypeScript and throughout the tutorial we will use TypeScript, however the tutorial assumes no prior knowledge. We will introduce TypeScript specific concepts as they’re used, with links to documentation to learn more.

The tutorial assumes general familiarity with blockchain and the NEO blockchain in particular. Check out the Blockchain Basics chapter of the main guide if you are unfamiliar with the general concepts of blockchain or need a refresher.

The tutorial will leverage React. If you’d prefer to use another front-end framework, or no framework at all, that’s okay too! We’ll only briefly cover how to use React with NEO•ONE and otherwise it will primarily be used to show how one might integrate NEO•ONE with a front-end framework, so in-depth knowledge of React is not required.

Finally, we’ll use Jest for testing our smart contracts, however, note that NEO•ONE may be used with any testing framework.

Setup for the Tutorial

This tutorial assumes you’ll be working with a local development environment. If you’d prefer to work entirely within the browser, head on over to NEO•ONE Courses and take the first course, which covers the same material as this tutorial.

Here’s how to setup your local development environment:

  1. Install Node >= 10.16.0 (We recommend the latest version)
  1. Follow the installation instructions for Create React App to make a new project.
  • Be sure to invoke Create React App with the --template typescript flag in order to enable TypeScript support: npx create-react-app token --template typescript
  1. Install NEO•ONE using either yarn
yarn add @neo-one/cli @neo-one/client @neo-one/smart-contract @neo-one/smart-contract-test @neo-one/smart-contract-lib @neo-one/smart-contract-typescript-plugin

or npm

npm install @neo-one/cli @neo-one/client @neo-one/smart-contract @neo-one/smart-contract-test @neo-one/smart-contract-lib @neo-one/smart-contract-typescript-plugin
  1. Run yarn neo-one init or npx neo-one init

This command initializes a NEO•ONE project with a Hello World smart contract under neo-one/contracts/HelloWorld.ts, a unit test under src/__tests__/HelloWorld.test.ts, and a config file,.neo-one.config.ts. For this tutorial, we will be building a Token from the ground up, so you can go ahead and delete the two HelloWorld files. We also recommend taking a moment to setup your editor to take advantage of inline NEO•ONE compiler diagnostics.

  1. Review the available configuration options and update your .neo-one.config.ts file as needed.
  • This tutorial uses the default options. To follow along, nothing needs to be changed.

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If you get stuck, check out the Help section. In particular, come chat with us on Discord, we’re more than happy to assist in any way we can.

Create a Token

Now that you’re all setup, let’s get started!

Basic Smart Contract

Every NEO•ONE smart contract starts with a TypeScript source file that exports a single class extending SmartContract. So we’ll start by creating the file neo-one/contracts/Token.ts with the following:

import { SmartContract } from '@neo-one/smart-contract';

export class Token extends SmartContract {}


For brevity, from here on we will not include the import statement for smart contract types and values as they may all be imported from '@neo-one/smart-contract'. Note also that we will not include the full contract source code in each snippet, instead each snippet will be purely additive, so you can assume all of the code seen so far is also included in the class.

This smart contract doesn’t do a whole lot, in fact it does nothing, but this is the smallest compilable smart contract. Let’s go ahead and build it to familiarize ourself with the NEO•ONE toolchain by running yarn neo-one build. This command will:

  1. Start up a local private NEO network (if one has not already been started).
  2. Setup wallets for testing with various amounts of NEO and GAS.
  3. Compile the project’s smart contracts
  4. Deploy the smart contracts to the private NEO network.
  5. Generate code for use in your decentralized app.

Additionally, you may run yarn neo-one build OR npx neo-one build with the --reset flag to reset the network. Running with --watch will execute the above process whenever you make a change to your smart contracts.


Throughout the tutorial we’ll write tests for each piece of smart contract functionality. Run the tests using yarn test OR npm test. It’s convention to put smart contract tests under src/__tests__/, e.g. src/__tests__/Token.test.ts. This way, jest will automatically pick up the tests without any additional configuration. Create a new file src/__tests__/Token.test.ts and add the following:

 * @jest-environment node
import { withContracts } from '../neo-one/test';

describe('Token', () => {
  test('exists', async () => {
    await withContracts(async ({ token }) => {


For brevity, from here on we will only include the withContracts call and the testing code that validates the most recently added piece of logic. Feel free to organize your tests however you’d like. You may split them up into many tests, but be aware that there is a small, but not insignificant, constant overhead to each test for setting up the local test network.

Here we see the first generated artifact from step 5/ of neo-one build - the withContracts test helper. This helper works exactly the same as neo-one build with two exceptions; it does not generate code and it creates an isolated environment each time it’s called. The helper expects an async callback method that it will invoke with the NEO•ONE client and smart contract APIs, the accounts with various amounts of NEO and GAS and a DeveloperClient for controlling the test network. We’ll see how to use all of these later in the tutorial.

Let’s dive into implementing the token.

Contract Properties

We’ll start by adding readonly constant properties. Just like regular TypeScript, readonly properties cannot be changed. Marking a property as public will generate a smart contract method with the same name for accessing the property. Note that even if a property is marked as private, all contract code and storage is publicly accessible, so nothing is ever truly private.

Let’s add a few primitive properties to the Token smart contract:

export class Token extends SmartContract {
  public readonly name = 'Eon';
  public readonly symbol = 'EON';
  public readonly decimals = 8;

Now we’ll want to test that we can access these properties and they have the expected values:

await withContracts(async ({ token }) => {
  const [name, symbol, decimals] = await Promise.all([token.name(), token.symbol(), token.decimals()]);

Notice how we’re using methods that correspond directly with the property names in our smart contract. The return types also correspond directly to the types in the smart contract, with a few notable exceptions. First, and most importantly, they return a Promise which resolves with the value of the property. We return a Promise in particular because all communication with the blockchain is inherently asynchronous. For example, in this case we need to make a request to a node to fetch the current value of the property.

Another exception you may have noticed is that we’re calling toNumber on the decimals value. That’s because we always return a BigNumber from the smart contract APIs, due to JavaScript’s limitations around arbitrary size integer and floating point numbers.

Storage Properties

Next we’ll add properties for storing the balance of each Address that holds tokens as well as the total supply.

export class Token extends SmartContract {
  private mutableSupply: Fixed<8> = 0;
  private readonly balances = MapStorage.for<Address, Fixed<8>>();

Before diving into these properties, let’s describe the mental model for TypeScript smart contracts. The way to think about how the smart contract we’re building works is that when it’s published to the blockchain we construct it, i.e. we call the equivalent of new Token(). Then for every invocation we use that one instance, so any changes to storage properties are persisted between invocations. In short, our smart contract follows the singleton pattern.

So, we can see that mutableSupply acts as persistent storage of the current supply in our smart contract. But what about balances? We initialize this property with the MapStorage static for property, which makes it read as "MapStorage for Address to Fixed<8>". (Note: we’re using generic types here, take a look at the TypeScript documentation for more info.) MapStorage and its related classes SetStorage and ArrayStorage work identically to their Map, Set and Array counterparts, however they’re optimized for persistent smart contract storage. In particular, the main difference is if we declared a Map property, the entire Map would be stored in one storage key of the smart contract, bounding the total possible size of the Map, whereas MapStorage stores each value in a separate key.

We’re also introducing the Address interface which is a special kind of Buffer that represents a NEO address. You’ll see a few types like this in NEO•ONE smart contracts, they’re declared in a way that makes them difficult to use incorrectly. As a concrete example, you can’t pass an arbitrary Buffer where an Address is expected which helps eliminate bugs.

Finally, you may be wondering what the Fixed<8> type is. The Fixed type has no impact on how the smart contract executes, but it does change how the automatically generated NEO•ONE client APIs function. All numbers in a NEO smart contract must be integers (up to 256 bits, to be precise), so typically we use an integer multiplied by a power of 10 to represent decimals. In this case, Fixed<8> is telling the compiler that this number actually represents a fixed point number with 8 decimal places. We use this information to automatically convert the integer value to the corresponding decimal value in the BigNumbers that are used in the client APIs.

Since we made these properties private, we’ll have to wait until the next section to test them.

Constant Methods

Let’s add two methods decorated with @constant in order to expose the two private properties we added last section:

export class Token extends SmartContract {
  public get totalSupply(): Fixed<8> {
    return this.mutableSupply;

  public balanceOf(address: Address): Fixed<8> {
    const balance = this.balances.get(address);

    return balance === undefined ? 0 : balance;

We’ve added a getter that’s been decorated with @constant. This just tells the compiler that the method does not modify any storage properties, and thus can be invoked without submitting a transaction to the blockchain. Similarly, we’ve added a method for fetching the balance at a particular Address. Testing these methods works much the same as accessing properties:

await withContracts(async ({ token, accountIDs }) => {
  const [totalSupply, balance] = await Promise.all([token.totalSupply(), token.balanceOf(accountIDs[0].address)]);

Notice how the methods correspond 1:1 to what’s been declared in the smart contract. We’re also making use of one of the automatically generated UserAccountIDs as the balanceOf Address argument. You can find the full list of automatically generated UserAccountIDs in the testing section of the docs.


Every NEO•ONE smart contract has an automatically generated method called deploy which is based on the constructor of your smart contract. It’s created whether or not you have an explicit constructor and must be invoked when the contract is published to the blockchain to initialize it. Using the NEO•ONE client APIs, the deploy method is called automatically and atomically when the contract is published, so you never have to worry about it.

So far we’ve been using an implicit constructor by defining class properties with values. We can also declare a constructor to run arbitrary logic when the smart contract is deployed:

export class Token extends SmartContract {
  public constructor(public readonly owner: Address = Deploy.senderAddress) {
    if (!Address.isCaller(owner)) {
      throw new Error('Sender was not the owner.');

Here we’ve defined a constructor that takes one argument, an Address parameter property that will be the owner of the contract. The first thing you might notice is that we provide default values for every constructor argument. This is mandatory in NEO•ONE smart contracts because we use these default values when we automatically deploy your smart contract for automated and local manual testing. Since we also use a generated address to deploy the contract, referred to as the masterAccountID in tests and elsewhere, NEO•ONE provides a special value Deploy.senderAddress that sets the default value to whichever address deployed the contract.

Address.isCaller allows you to determine if the provided Address invoked this contract. In this example, we do a sanity check that the owner is the one who deployed the smart contract, which eliminates the possibility of accidentally setting the owner to an address that the publisher of the smart contract doesn’t own.

Since the withContracts helper already automatically deploys our contract, we don’t need to add anything more to the tests to verify the constructor works as expected.


We can enable transferring tokens by adding a transfer method:

export class Token extends SmartContract {
  public transfer(from: Address, to: Address, amount: Fixed<8>): boolean {
    // Sanity check that amount.
    if (amount < 0) {
      throw new Error(`Amount must be greater than 0: ${amount}`);

    // Verify that the `from` `Address` has approved this call.
    if (!Address.isCaller(from)) {
      throw new Error('from Address did not approve the transfer');

    // Sanity check that the `from` `Address` has enough balance
    const fromBalance = this.balanceOf(from);
    if (fromBalance < amount) {
      throw new Error('From balance is insufficient');

    // Update balances accordingly
    const toBalance = this.balanceOf(to);
    this.balances.set(from, fromBalance - amount);
    this.balances.set(to, toBalance + amount);

    return true;

Unlike methods decorated with @constant, normal instance methods may modify contract properties. Otherwise, they work the same as @constant methods and may contain arbitrary TypeScript code. Take a look at the comments in the above example for a detailed look at what we’re doing on each line (and why we’re doing it).

For those of you that have experience with other NEO Smart Contract languages, you may notice that rather than returning false we always throw an Error. Not only is this more idiomatic TypeScript, but throwing an Error also has the side effect of reverting all storage changes. This ensures that when an assertion in an operation fails, there are no erroneous storage changes. Note that when your contract is called from another contract, we will always return false to that contract so that it has a chance to react to the failure. We do this because there is not (currently) a way for the calling contract to catch errors.

The main difference for the NEO•ONE client APIs is that non-constant methods require relaying a transaction to the blockchain. This makes sense because a non-constant method by definiton mutates storage, and we need to persist those changes to the blockchain. We’ll have to wait until the next section to test our transfer method since we don’t currently have a way of creating tokens.

Native Asset Methods

The NEO blockchain supports native assets, the two most important ones being NEO and GAS. Native assets are Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) based and are understood natively by the blockchain. Contrast this with tokens like the one we’ve built so far which live entirely in custom smart contracts. As a result, they require special handling within smart contracts. Luckily, NEO•ONE smart contracts abstract most of this away and let you focus on the logic of your smart contract.

In order to receive native assets, we can decorate a method with @receive. Methods marked with @receive must throw an error to indicate if the contract does not want to receive the assets. Note, however, that there are cases where the contract may still receive assets, despite throwing an error, due to limitations in how NEO handles native UTXO assets. For these cases, we automatically generate a refundAssets method that clients of your smart contract may call to refund assets which were not processed by the smart contract (i.e. the smart contract threw an error or was not called). Note that this method cannot refund assets if the smart contract invocation succeeded.

Let’s add the mintTokens method to our Token smart contract to enable minting new tokens.

export class Token extends SmartContract {
  public mintTokens(): void {
    // Inspect the current transaction
    const { references, outputs } = Blockchain.currentTransaction;
    if (references.length === 0) {
      throw new Error('Invalid mintTokens');

    // Take the first sender address as the minter.
    const sender = references[0].address;

    // Sum up the amount of NEO sent to the contract. If anything else is sent, throw an error.
    let amount = 0;
    for (const output of outputs) {
      if (output.address.equals(this.address)) {
        if (!output.asset.equals(Hash256.NEO)) {
          throw new Error('Invalid mintTokens');

        amount += output.value;

    this.issue(sender, amount);

  private issue(address: Address, amount: Fixed<8>): void {
    // Update the balance
    this.balances.set(address, this.balanceOf(address) + amount);
    // Update the supply
    this.mutableSupply += amount;

Notice that we access the current transaction using Blockchain.currentTransaction. The transaction itself has many useful properties, but for now we are only interested in the references and outputs properties. The outputs defines the destination addresses and amounts for native assets. A reference is the corresponding output for the inputs of the transaction.

Now that we can mint tokens, let’s see how we can test both transfer and mintTokens. Note that any NEO•ONE types necessary in your tests should be imported from @neo-one/client:

import { Hash256 } from '@neo-one/client';
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';


await withContracts(async ({ token, accountIDs }) => {
  // We'll use this account for minting because it starts with 10 NEO in it
  const accountID = accountIDs[2];
  const amount = new BigNumber(10);

  // Mint the tokens and verify the transaction succeeds
  const mintTokensResult = await token.mintTokens({
    sendTo: [
        asset: Hash256.NEO,
    from: accountID,
  const mintTokensReceipt = await mintTokensResult.confirmed();
  if (mintTokensReceipt.result.state === 'FAULT') {
    throw new Error(mintTokensReceipt.result.message);

  // Check that balance and total supply were updated appropriately
  const [balance, totalSupply] = await Promise.all([token.balanceOf(accountID.address), token.totalSupply()]);

  // Attempt a transfer
  const toAccountID = accountIDs[1];
  const transferAmount = new BigNumber(3);
  const transferReceipt = await token.transfer.confirmed(accountID.address, toAccountID.address, transferAmount, {
    from: accountID,
  if (transferReceipt.result.state === 'FAULT') {
    throw new Error(transferReceipt.result.message);

  // Validate the balances are updated appropriately and the total supply has not changed.
  const [fromBalance, toBalance, afterTotalSupply] = await Promise.all([

Phew, quite a bit, but we’re testing a lot of functionality here. Recall that we mentioned that normal instance methods (as well as native asset methods) require relaying a transaction on the network. Typically you’ll want to wait for the transaction to be confirmed in order to update the UI as well as to respond to any errors during the process. The generated NEO•ONE client APIs enable this through a two step process.

First, invoke the smart contract method which will return a Promise<TransactionResult>. The TransactionResult object contains two properties, transaction which is the full transaction object that was relayed to the network, and confirmed which is a function we can call to wait for the transaction to be confirmed.

Second, call confirmed which returns a Promise<InvokeReceipt>. This InvokeReceipt contains many useful properties, like the events that were emitted during execution as well as the final result of the smart contract invocation. To learn more, take a look at the detailed documentation on invoking smart contract methods. Methods marked with @receive also take an additional argument for the native assets to send with the invocation.

Putting it all together, we see both forms of invoking smart contract methods in the above snippet. When we mint tokens, we use the 2-step form, and when we transfer we use the 1-step or shortcut form.

Wrapping Up

At this point we have a fully functioning, although simplistic, token contract. If you’d like to go into more details on some aspects or work on some of the parts we skipped, like event notifications or advanced topics like invoking other smart contracts, check out NEO•ONE Courses. Otherwise, head to the next section to learn about integrating a dapp with the NEO•ONE client and smart contract APIs. Once you have it integrated, try it out with the React boilerplate that was generated with create-react-app!


This section will take a look at how we can integrate the token smart contract into a dapp.

Client and Smart Contract APIs

Integrating NEO•ONE with your dapp is similar to testing your smart contracts - we simply use the generated helper methods:

import { createClient, createTokenSmartContract } from './neo-one';

const client = createClient();
const token = createTokenSmartContract(client);

Now we can use both the base blockchain APIs offered by the Client class and the generated smart contract APIs that correspond to the Token contract. The token value here is identical to the one we’ve been using in testing, meaning all the skills you’ve learned in testing smart contracts translate directly to using them in your dapp.


As you prepare your dapp for production, you’ll likely want to configure additional UserAccountProviders in the Client. Learn more about UserAccounts and UserAccountProviders in the User Accounts advanced guide.


If you’re using React to power your dapp, the NEO•ONE toolchain offers two components that aid in integration: ContractsProvider and WithContracts. Check out the React advanced guide for more details.


If you’re using Angular to power your dapp, the NEO•ONE toolchain offers an Angular Service to aid in integration: ContractsService. Check out the Angular advanced guide for more details.


If you’re using Angular to power your dapp, the NEO•ONE toolchain offers a tool to aid in integration: contractsService. Check out the Vue advanced guide for more details.

Developer Tools

Regardless of the front-end framework you’re using, the NEO•ONE Developer Tools contain all of the functionality necessary to control your private network and are simple to integrate:

import { createClient, createDeveloperClients } from './neo-one';
import { DeveloperTools } from '@neo-one/client';

const client = createClient();
const developerClients = createDeveloperClients();
DeveloperTools.enable({ client, developerClients });

Read more in the Developer Tools section of the main guide.

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  • Before We Get Started
    • Setup
    • Create a Token
    • DApps
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