User Accounts

NEO•ONE client APIs revolve around the concept of user accounts which represent a single address controlled by the user of the dapp.

The Client class is an abstraction layer over UserAccountProviders which implement the core logic. By using the Client class and the generated smart contract APIs throughout your dapp, you can ensure that your business logic is independent of the underlying UserAccountProviders.

Client Configuration

The createClient helper function generated by the NEO•ONE toolchain is configured with a LocalUserAccountProvider backed by an in-memory LocalKeyStore by default. This can be easily configured by passing in a callback of the form:

(provider: NEOONEProvider) => { [name: string]: UserAccountProvider }

This callback will be passed a default NEOONEProvider that’s been configured to work with your local private network as well as public nodes for the TestNet and MainNet. The return value will be used to configure the Client.


You can configure the Client to only work with external wallets provided by an extension or a dapp browser by checking process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' and returning a subset of the UserAccountProviders used during development.

Let’s take a look at an example:

const getUserAccountProviders = (provider: NEOONEProvider) => {
  const dapp = new DappBrowserUserAccountProvider();
  const extension = new BrowserExtensionUserAccountProvider();
  const other = new SomeOtherWalletProvider();
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
    return { dapp, extension, other };

  const memory = new LocalUserAccountProvider({
    keystore: new LocalKeyStore(new LocalMemoryStore()),

  return { dapp, extension, other, memory };

const client = createClient(getUserAccountProviders);

This would configure a Client that knows how to communicate with a dapp browser (e.g. nOS), a browser extension (e.g. NEX) and some other integration provided by SomeOtherWalletProvider. In production, it would only communicate with those providers, while in development we’ve additionally configured a LocalUserAccountProvider with an in-memory LocalKeyStore for use in testing.


In order to take advantage of the automatic local network configuration and pre-configured wallets, you must configure a LocalUserAccountProvider using the argument provider and an in-memory keystore, like the above example.


LocalUserAccountProvider is a completely local to the application UserAccountProvider which directly connects to NEO•ONE RPC nodes in order to process read requests as well as create and send transactions. LocalUserAccountProvider must be configured with a KeyStore instance and a Provider instance. The KeyStore interface abstracts over UserAccounts, selecting them, getting the current one, as well as signing a message with a specified UserAccount. The Provider interface abstracts over specific RPC requests the LocalUserAccountProvider requires to function.

In the example above, we’ve configured it to use a LocalKeyStore which is backed by a LocalMemoryStore which provides UserAccounts via an in-memory store. LocalKeyStore can be configured with any object that implements the Store interface and can be easily backed by persistent storage in files or within browser local storage:

import localforage from 'localforage';

const localStorage = new LocalUserAccountProvider({
  keystore: new LocalKeyStore(new LocalStringStore(localforage)),

NEO•ONE currently also supports a LedgerKeyStore, which enables connecting to ledger devices in both NodeJS-like environments and browser-like environments.

const ledger = new LocalUserAccountProvider({
  keystore: new LedgerKeyStore(provider),

UserAccount and UserAccountID

UserAccount is the main abstraction used to define the user’s available accounts for signing transactions. It contains three properties:

interface UserAccount {
   * Uniquely identifies a `UserAccount` by its address and the network its used on.
  readonly id: UserAccountID;
   * The name to use when displaying this account in a user-facing UI. Can be a user configured name or just the address.
  readonly name: string;
   * The public key for the address.
  readonly publicKey: PublicKeyString;

UserAccountID is used throughout the @neo-one/client APIs to specify a particular account to take an action with. For example, all of the smart contract APIs accept an options object as the last parameter that can specify a from UserAccountID to invoke a method with.

Integrating With NEO•ONE

Want to integrate your wallet with NEO•ONE? Then this section is for you. The best way to integrate is to use the NEO•ONE client APIs with a LocalUserAccountProvider within your wallet. As described above, the LocalUserAccountProvider can be customized with specific KeyStore implementations that should satisfy the majority of wallet use-cases.

Once you’ve done that, come talk to us on Discord. The integration is currently a work in progress, but it’s coming very soon.

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  • Forward Values
  • User Accounts
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