Getting Started

This page is an overview of the NEO•ONE documentation and related resources.

NEO•ONE makes coding, testing and deploying NEO dapps easy, fast, efficient and enjoyable.


NEO•ONE has been designed as a full end-to-end toolkit for building NEO dapps. From developing a smart contract, to testing, to interacting with it from your front-end, the entire dapp lifecycle is covered with NEO•ONE. However, it’s not necessary to use NEO•ONE for every part of your dapp, you can pick and choose the parts of NEO•ONE that make sense for your development.

The links in this section will help you get started.


If you’re interested in playing around with NEO•ONE or you prefer to learn by doing, check out NEO•ONE Courses. As you work through the first two lessons you’ll experience the entire development lifecycle of a dapp by deploying a fully functioning ICO, from the smart contract that powers it all to the UI that enables participation. All directly from your browser - no environment setup required.


If you’d prefer to use your own editor, you can work through the NEO•ONE Tutorial. The tutorial covers roughly the same content as the first course and by the end of it you’ll be ready to start building your own unique dapp.


Setup the NEO•ONE Playground repository to get a feel for NEO•ONE in a real-world setting. Try modifying the smart contracts, adding to the tests or playing with the UI. Once you’re comfortable, you can even try adding your own dapp!


NEO•ONE covers the entire development lifecycle of a dapp, so it’s best to learn it one step at a time.

First Examples

The NEO•ONE Homepage contains a full editor with a simplified token smart contract example and tests. Even if you don’t know anything about building dapps, check it out to see what’s possible.

TypeScript Resources

NEO•ONE is written in TypeScript and the documentation assumes some familiarity with TypeScript. If you’ve never used TypeScript before, or it’s been a while, keep the TypeScript documentation handy while working through the NEO•ONE documentation.

Prefer JavaScript or don’t want to use TypeScript? No problem! NEO•ONE smart contracts are the only part of the framework that requires coding in TypeScript, otherwise you’re free to use either JavaScript or TypeScript.

Blockchain Resources

The majority of the documentation assumes general familiarity with blockchain and the NEO blockchain in particular. Check out the Blockchain Basics chapter of the main guide if you are unfamiliar with the general blockchain concepts or need a refresher.

Step-by-Step Guide

If you’d prefer to just get an overview of NEO•ONE and learn about the core concepts, check out the guide to main concepts. Every chapter builds on the knowledge introduced in previous chapters so you won’t miss a thing.

Advanced Guides

Once you’re comfortable with the main concepts and have built some simple dapps with NEO•ONE, you might be interested in some of the more advanced features NEO•ONE has to offer. The advanced guides section will introduce you to some less commonly used, but powerful, features.

API Reference

This documentation section is useful for learning about specific details of the NEO•ONE API. For example, the @neo-one/smart-contract API reference can provide details on the APIs available for smart contracts.

Staying Informed

The NEO•ONE blog is the official source of updates from the NEO•ONE team. Here you will find things like release notes and deprecation notices.

Additionally, you can get the same updates by following @neo-one-suite on Twitter.

Finally, feel free to chat with us directly on the NEO•ONE Discord.


Need help? NEO•ONE is developed by community members just like you. Contributors are often around and available for questions. First, see if you can find what you’re looking for in the docs. If you can’t find the answer, come chat with us in the #support channel in the NEO•ONE Discord community. Many members of the community also use Stack Overflow. Read through existing questions tagged with neo-one or ask your own!

Something Missing?

If something is missing from the NEO•ONE documentation or you found something confusing, please submit an issue to the NEO•ONE GitHub with your suggestions. You can also tweet @neo-one-suite or let us know directly on the NEO•ONE Discord. We’d love to hear from you!

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