Heroku Deployment

The NEO•ONE Node can be quickly deployed on Heroku using the deployment button below.

More information on Heroku can be found here.



Upon successfully building the node-container and launching your app, you should see the node logs in your apps logs.


Configuration Reference

You can quickly apply environment variable configuration options to the node using the Config Vars in App >> Settings >> Config Vars. As an example we can set the log-level using a config var with key:value

neo-one_telemetry__logging__level verbose

After applying the node will restart and update its configuration.


Because of the environment-variable syntax rc expects, you must use the neo-one_<parent>__<child> syntax when applying a value.


Currently it is not possible to enable two or more port requiring processes simultaneously. This is because Heroku only allocates a single port to the app. By default the node’s rpc server is using this port so if you would like to enable telemetry through a config var you will also need to disable the rpc server.

Additionally it is not possible right now to set environment variable values for Array config options. This should be addressed soon.


If you would like to see metrics or enable other features that require a port, you must assign the port to $PORT, this is the environment variable supplied by heroku.

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  • Configuration Reference
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